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Lallemand's 9th International LEVUCELL SB technical meeting

Lallemand's 9th International LEVUCELL SB technical meeting

Vietnam is the second pig producer in Asia. At a time when the country is strengthening efforts to reduce antimicrobial usage in livestock production, over 110 swine and nutrition experts from around Asia, Europe, Australia and South America gathered in Ho Chi Minh City for Lallemand’s 9th International LEVUCELL SB technical meeting.

A great opportunity to share thoughts and get an update on swine microbiota research, in particular the issues such as heat stress in high prolific sows, energy metabolism, microbiota perturbations in post-weaning piglets and how to mitigate the related risks in the post-antimicrobial area. A first session was dedicated to sows and fattening pigs, and particularly the growing issues of heat stress and potential of the live yeast to alleviate its toll, with interventions from Dr. David Renaudeau, from INRA in France); Dr. Bruno Silva, from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Brazil, Chris Brewster, nutritionist for Rivalea in Australia, and Dr. Yannig Le Treut, General Manager.

A second session was dedicated to post-weaning piglets, providing the latest scientific update on the impact of weaning on piglet’s microbiota and how this affects future health and performance, with presentations from Drs Mathieu Castex and Caroline Achard from Lallemand R&D team introducing innovative research tools such as a R&D project aimed at re-creating an in vitro model of piglet digestive system and the evolution of the microbiota populations interactions. Dr Achard presented the latest outcome on piglet microbiota from new DNA analyses platform. Finally, David Saornil, DVM, discussed the nutritional strategies to reduce antimicrobial usage in post-weaning piglets.

This event was the occasion for our international guests to get a glimpse of the Vietnamese swine and feed markets and visit a modern feed mill facility.


Published Nov 24, 2017

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