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Lallemand at IBA 2015

Lallemand exhibited at IBA in Germany in September 2015. IBA is one of the biggest bakery exhibitions which happens every three years.

Lallemand hosted a seminar during IBA 2015 was well attended by over 150 attendees. Peter Becker, President of the Central Association of German Bakers discussed the various global trends influencing the baking industry.  Annemarie Halter, Business Development Manager for Organic Yeast and Nicolai Jensen, General Manager for Lallemand Denmark higlighted the organic food trends with an update of the market situation as well as the use organic yeast for bakery goods. An overview of the Danish organic market was also provided. Dr Jan van Eijk, R&D Director for Lallemand Baking Solutions discussed developments to extend mold-free shelf-life using clean label ingredients and technologies.

One of the highlights for customers across the globe was an interesting presentation by Chris Newbold, Bakery Technologist of Marks & Spencer, who presented “Vitamin D in Bread.” M&S, one of the UK’s leading retailers with over 1330 stores worldwide has launched, in June 2015, its range of bread and rolls containing Vitamin D Yeast. Newbold’s presentation covered the journey behind the lau


Published Nov 23, 2015

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