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Lallemand Animal Nutrition hosts the 7th International LEVUCELL® SB Technical meeting

Lallemand Animal Nutrition hosts the 7th International LEVUCELL® SB Technical meeting

Barcelona, Spain – On May 25th & 26th, 2016, more than 150 swine professionals from around the world gathered at the 7th International LEVUCELL® SB Technical meeting, hosted by Lallemand Animal Nutrition monogastric and Spanish teams.

The swine industry has seen significant changes in the past few years, creating greater challenges for producers. The scope of LEVUCELL SB has evolved to meet these challenges; from sow to piglets and from feed digestion to immunity. The 2016 conference was no exception; participants learned about new insight into the effects of probiotic yeast on weaning stress in piglets, heat stress in swine and its use as an alternative to antibiotics in feed. Some of the most recent LEVUCELL SB results were shared by Lallemand research partners from the University of Nottingham (UK) and Univeristy of Milan (IT). In addition, Dr Etienne Labussière of INRA Pegase (FR) presented preliminary results of a study in heat stress demonstrating possible new applications for Lallemand probiotics in the resistance of intense heat stress and feeding behaviours.

The meeting served as a platform for exchange and networking. Lallemand is proud to support and further develop the swine industry.

Follow the links to learn more about Lallemand Animal Nutrition and LEVUCELL® SB.

Published Jul 18, 2016

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